Welcome to Birmingham!

Between the studying abroad, packing and traveling posts I figured it would be appropriate to talk about my home here in England.

I am living in student housing here at the University of Birmingham. Over all the experience has been fantastic! It’s about a 20 minute walk from campus and a 30 minute walk (give or take.) to the City Centre. However, for the sake of time my friends and I will either take the train or get an Uber into the city. I’d never used Uber until I came here, and I’ll warn you now that it’s dangerously convenient! Especially in a large city like Birmingham it’s a great way to get around fast and cheap.

Culture: I swear every culture from every reach of the world is present here. From Indian cuisine, Chinatown, European delicacies to 1950’s American diner imitations and everything in between. I’ve found that the people here are for the most part very friendly and open to outsiders. I think this is partially accredited to the fact that they live with people that come from all different backgrounds.

If you ask anyone from Birmingham what their lifestyle is like, they would say they live in a relaxed but steady city. However, coming from a town of 600 people, I personally don’t think there’s anything relaxed about it! It’s all a matter of perspective. They often compare their city to London, so in those regards it is much slower paced. But, compared to even the largest cities in Iowa, it’s a busy place!

Things to do: After class there are often days when you’ll find you have quite a bit of free time. For most University students it seems as if there are two main past times. Either you hang out with friends/student organizations around campus or you go to the Bullring (shopping mall). While being here I’ve played my fair share of ping pong and I’m starting to finally get a good feel for the Bullring. There is also Cadbury World, which I have yet to see.

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