Making the Decision to Study Abroad


About Myself


My name is Quinton, I will be starting my junior year at Iowa State University, majoring in both Mechanical Engineering and International Studies. I’m currently awaiting the fall semester where I will be studying in Birmingham, England through Iowa State’s Study Abroad program.

Why Study Abroad?

Good Question, Why study abroad when you can enjoy the luxurious life in Ames, Iowa? Won’t it be a lot of effort? Is there any benefit to it?

I’m sure these are all questions that will cross your mind at some point if you’re thinking about packing up and shipping out to another country for a semester. Well, based on my hours of research and talking with people who have gone in the past, I’ll tell you the reasons I think it’s important to expand your horizons and leave your comfort zone behind.


  1. Young- College is the best time to travel, exchange programs make it cheaper than conventional travel, not to mention there are so many learning and networking opportunities for students.
  2. Networking- (I know I mentioned this above but let me stress it.) Making friends and meeting people in another country could have HUGE benefits including but not limited to; cultural understanding, discovering new things, and possibly even having a place to crash if your in the area again!
  3. Resume- Although, not one of the most important to me, it has it’s merits. It shows employers you are open to new things, motivated, and responsible.
  4. Independence- This can be the best and worst. While leaving the country for the first time can seem intimidating, I also believe it will help you reach a whole new level of independence and grow as a person.


Social Media Intern

Through this blog I hope to not only share my experiences in Europe over the semester but also to help prepare future students for their own. I’ll be sharing information that I found/find helpful during the process along with any mistakes that I make (to keep others from making the same ones.)

I would love to promote and be a part of Iowa State’s Study Abroad Center. The opportunities through the University are something I truly believe every student should take part in.

